I sure hope you don’t have anything planned this week because a holiday gift just arrived that promises an evening of family entertainment at a price everyone can afford. Beaverton High School music students have been preparing since mid-October to produce two concerts at the auditorium at Beaverton High School,13000 SW 2nd Ave. The events are free and the public is welcome and encouraged to attend.

Choral Concert, 12/15/21 at 7:30pm
The choir will take to the stage first, performing this Wednesday, December 15, at 7:30pm in the school auditorium. The performance will consist of a variety of winter-themed pieces including a Nigerian Christmas Carol, two songs in Hebrew, and a Japanese school song according to Kelly Hefty, Choir Director.
The high school sponsors two groups who will participate in the concert, the Mixed Choir and the Concert Choir. The Mixed Choir is open to all students regardless of musical training and the Concert Choir is an auditioned group of students who regularly compete in district competitions and festivals.
The highlight of the performance is expected to be the final piece, Carol of Bells, in which students will invite alumni on stage to perform with them.

Band Concert, 12/16/21 at 7:30pm
The band concert takes place the following night, Thursday, December 16 at 7:30, also in the auditorium.
Band director Eli Simental says they have a program that has a definite holiday feel. “There will be solos throughout the night, two of which will be from members of the BHS Jazz Ensemble, having its first in person performance in nearly two year. One of the highlights to watch for is the production of the holiday classic, Sleigh Ride. [This number] has posed some significant challenges, being that it was arranged for a full concert band, yet it’s being performed beautifully by our 19-person Wind Ensemble.”
The downtown business community have long been supporters of the high school and it’s many opportunities for our kids. The people behind the programs greatly appreciate that support and have asked me to thank that community for its unwavering commitment over the years.
Masks are required at both events. Families and other guests will be asked to distance.